who played rusty nail in joy ride

Joy Ride 3 is one of those Direct-to-Video Horror sequels that exists only to earn some money by playing off of the popularity of its predecessors while showing a bunch of cool kills.

We're fine with that, because in all honesty, that's why most Horror sequels exist; we all long to see a familiar menace killing some deserving people in creative and gory ways.

Joy Ride - Who Played Rusty Nail In Joy Ride

The problem with these kind of films though is that unless you're prepared to shut your brain off and ignore the ridiculous, nonsensical mess that tends to surround the kill scenes, they can be more of a grating experience than and enjoyable one.

Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead (comparison: Us Tv Version

Having seen 967 movies exactly like this over the years, it's safe to say that yes, the whole thing irks us just a little bit.

Joy Ride 3 opens with two tweekers trying to have dirty meth addict sex, until one of them realizes that they're out of Skizzle. The chick tweeker's stank ass throws a fit, which prompts the dude tweeker to use a walkie-talkie to lure some horny trucker to their motel room so that they can rob him, and get some more Skizzle. Of course, that horny trucker turns out to be Rusty Nail. How two broke-ass drug addicts can afford a walkie-talkie is beyond us, but hey, we should know better by now than to try and ask sensible questions during movies like this. Also, we have no idea what in the hell Skizzle is; it just randomly popped into our heads and made us laugh.

So the whore lures Rusty Nail to the motel, where he creatively lays waste to the tweekers, thereby doing a service to humanity. I mean as stupid as these two and their plan were, are we really supposed to mourn their deaths? No. No we aren't.

A 20 Year Old Cult Classic Horror Becomes A Top 10 Streaming Hit Out Of Nowhere

A bunch of miles down the highway, a gang of white boys who think they are Fast & Furious are preparing to go on some sort of cross-country Cannonball Run or something. In order to save time (and prolong this movie), they decide to take an off-map shortcut, despite the old trucker in the diner warning them not to take it! Every Horror movie has its own Ralph (F13th), doesn't it?

Once on the Shortcut of Death, they run across Rusty Nail, and decide that cutting him off with their shitty driving skills would be fun. Obviously this means they all have to die. So begins the Duel-like cat-and-mouse game between our favorite evil trucker and another group of dumb asses. Will the lamest race crew ever make it to their crazy Gumball Rally, or will

Rusty Nail kill them all first? Will the hot blonde chick survive? Are the inept Cops that populate this movie even trying?

Horror Movie Review: Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead (2008)

Far be it from us to spoil anything here, but suffice it to say that there will most likely be a Joy Ride 4. Woo!

Joy Ride 3 had plenty of issues and shortcomings (most of which revolve around the script), but the sequel is not completely without merit.

The movie looks good, the stunt/action sequences are really solid, and the gore gags are really messy and well done. The opening sequence was the best part of the movie, and was genuinely enjoyable.

Hunted: Rusty Nail

Ted Levine is not playing the voice of Rusty Nail in this sequel either, and that just hurts; his voice is a large part of what made the original Joy Ride so enjoyable. This time out, Rusty is played by long-time Hollywood stuntman/actor Ken Kirzinger, who does a decent-enough job with the role, but is ultimately doomed by the decision to make Rusty into just another killer.

The best part of the original Joy Ride was the fact that Rusty Nail was such a shadowy and mysterious figure; we didn't know who the creepy trucker was or why he was terrorizing these kids, and it made things far more intense. You know, it's basically the whole less is more thing. Well in this third entry into the Joy Ride series, our pal Rusty is a game playing, one-liner spitting chatterbox.

The Horror Club: VOD Review: Joy Ride 3 (2014) - Who Played Rusty Nail In Joy Ride

Anyone who fucks with long-haul truckers deserves whatever they get. I mean you mess with the guy once, and force him to swerve, then you block the road when he tries to pass, and when you finally let him pass, he cuts you off like you did to him, which makes you angry? Instead of saying "he wins, let's slow down and let him go away, " you say "let's teach this guy a lesson!"

What Is It They Say? 'idle Hands Are The Devil's

If nothing else, this movie is a gore-lovers dream. The blood flows more than freely in this one, and the FX are truly inspired. People get run over, cut apart with fans, crushed, decapitated, severed... fun, gory deaths are the reason that this movie exists.

We get that DTV sequels like this aren't supposed to be all that good, but can they just make more of an effort to not be so bad? Tighten up the writing a bit, offer us some likable characters, and make the killer of the movie a bit more scary?

There's not really much about this movie to recommend, but if you really like gory kill scenes, then you'll enjoy this one. In fact it's because of the gore and the kill scenes that we didn't dismiss this movie completely.

Rusty Nail Voice

Kirsten Prout was so cute in this movie that she makes us sad that we never gave Kyle XY more of a chance. Kind of. (Not really, but she really is a total QT.)

Labels: 2010's , 2014 , Country- U.S.A. Horror , Genre- Serial Killer , Genre- Thriller , Grade- C- , Review , SequelWhile on a road trip two friends hook up a trucker radio to their car and use it for prank calls. Using the handle "Candy Cane, " the two friends prank a lonely trucker named Rusty Nail and make him think that he's meeting a hot girl at a hotel. When Rusty Nail arrives at the hotel, instead of finding Candy Cane, he finds a rude man. Unbeknownst to the two friends, Rusty attacks the man and rips off his bottom jaw. Afterwards, Rusty decides to take revenge on the pranksters by stalking and tormenting them.

Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead (Video 2008) - Who Played Rusty Nail In Joy Ride

Four friends break down on a highway and walk until they find a farmhouse. Thinking no one lives in the house, they break in and steal a car to get a ride to the nearest gas station. Rusty Nail returns to his house to find his house trashed and his car stolen. He locates the thieves using the tracking device he put on the car, and decides to play sadistic mind games with the thieves as revenge.

Joy Ride (2001)

Two drug addicts attract Rusty Nail to a hotel room in attempt to rob him. After incapacitating them, Rusty chains them to his truck, telling them if they are able to hold onto his truck for a mile, he'll give them drugs and let them go. After a mile, Rusty doesn't stop, and the female drug addict goes for the drugs taped to the windshield, pulling them both under the truck.

The police find the remains and think that it was wild animals. Later, a group of friends are on a road trip and come across Rusty Nail. The cocky driver cuts off Rusty Nail and almost makes him crash. After nearly crashing, Rusty uses his laptop to identify the people in the car and targets them for his next set of mind games.I had previously made this character a few months back, based off the 2008 "Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead" Rusty Nail. This is the Rusty Nail based off the newly released Joy Ride 3, where he is portrayed by yet another actor (again!) and has a different look to him.

I decided to go with this character because I already had most of the parts/clothing lying around. All I needed was the headsculpt, shoes and a white under shirt. Pretty simple again, but that's how I like them

Years Later, We Still Want To Joy Ride [retrospective]

Credit for our angry, truck rampaging friend's head sculpt goes to Peter the Painter for taking on this character for me again and recreating a brilliant likeness to the actor right down to the angry expression!

The biggest challenge was probably getting his body shape right. He's somewhat of a big guy (understatement!) at 6 ft 5 so two thin layers of clothing (shirt and t-shirt) wasn't nearly enough to bulk out my ACI 'Christian' body.

Steam Community :: :: Rusty Nail - Who Played Rusty Nail In Joy Ride

So I used strips of fabric cut off an old jacket and wrapped it around his waist, biceps, thighs, cut out a little vest to go underneath the clothing and some makeshift shoulder pads to puff him up much more!

Rob's Car Movie Review: Joy Ride (2001)

Great job. I loved the first film, never knew they made two sequels, nor that they gave that truck driver a name.

I thought the 1st film was good. I also didn't know about the sequels. Your figure looks great. Even though I've never seen the movie, the details in it are well done.

I have the 2 female masks in 1/6 scale made by ones customs. I still have

Joy Ride 3: Roadkill Blu Ray (blu Ray + Dvd)


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